Coaches interested in running a clinic through the Smithtown Booster Club must follow the process below:
1. Submit your request to use a school facility to Janet Read in the Athletic Director's office.
You will need to complete a FORM B to secure the space.
2. After you receive approval, you will need to complete a Clinic Request form and a Clinic Budget
Clinic Request Form
Once completed, email Bernadette Ackerman at to advise her that you have done so.
This information will be used to
create the website registration page and social media promotion posts.
Budget Form
Complete the budget worksheet and save it to your files.
Send a copy of the completed file to Charlie Rollins @
If your clinic incurred any reimbursable expenses, please upload copies of receipts using this form. After you submit this, you MUST email and notify him.
If you need help logging on or don't remember your coach credientials, please text Bernadette Ackerman at
516-503-4837 for help.